---I have recently been hooked-up with a Massage Therapist and it is coming along nicely. Her name is Z. She knows her craft very well, and the reasons behind what she does. If one is aligned ''properly,''one benefits from the inherent intelligence the body already has. The body responds and reacts very well, when it is ''right'' again. What she does ''complements'' other positive accomplishments I've had.
---She is a CST - Certified Shiatsu Therapist. She does NOT like to be referred to as a ''masseuse.'' She, herself, says she can ''feel'' what she is doing in another's body. This seems to ring true as she speaks of my feelings sometimes as if they were her own. She seems sensitive to whatever I may be experiencing, as we go along.
---My situation seems custom made for her skills. She says that what she does, has a particularly ''positive'' effect on people who have had strokes. I had a ''stroke'' a little over four years ago. I can't walk and my balance is ''off the charts.'' For over four years now, I have been sitting or lying down, with infrequent stand-ups. The muscles and everything else in different areas of my body, are very contorted. The years of the stroke numbness, non-movement and lack of proper blood-flow has left certain areas of the body needing a ''reawakening,'' to bring them back to life. She seems to have a feel for where they are and what they need. The body really was not made to be in the ''position'' it's in, and tries to adapt to its present situation, as unnatural as it is. Her ''work'' is to realign things as they should be.
---With her manipulations, I even feel pain at times, but it is a ''good-pain.'' I am just experiencing ''parts-that-are- sleeping'' becoming ''parts-that- ARE- AWAKENING.'' The pain is short-lived and even, at times, welcomed, as you know that something new [and good] is happening. There are others, on my own ward, who seem to be benefiting from her Therapy, also. She Volunteers here, but I wish I could experience her ''gifts'' more often. She goes by the name of ''Z,'' saying her full name only when she has to. ''It's too cumbersome.'' Be Well.
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