My BOOK Of Self-Acceptance
My BOOK Of Self-Acceptance
---Well, I finally had an opportunity to put my ''writings,'' into some sort of book. This has been a dream of mine, since the 60's. It is NOT that I haven't tried and aborted many attempts. But, for some reason, it just never has come together, as it has now.
---CONSIDER THESE..., contains about 25 entries of my essays and poems. Some of the material is NOT on my blogs. There are a few pictures, also. The whole book is very short - only 46 pages.
---I have been writing all my life. My first, was, basically, ''The Adventures Of Bob Lund.'' It was 62 pages, and typed by my Cousin Linda T. There was one copy and I think there was a price and all. 60 cents. It wasn't very good, but when we were bored, my friend Hempty would drag it out and read it aloud. I wrote the book at age 8, and was listening at age 26. The loudest laughter may have come from me.
---A strange aside to this is that I had met someone named Bob Lund, who came to see the Bobby Darling Show, quite frequently, back in the late 70's. Bob's girlfriend, at the time, was very interested in reading the book. I remember being on stage at The Blue Max, and her being in the audience, reading in earnest. It seemed as though she was going to discover something about Bob. It would be funny if she had.
---Back to CONSIDER THESE.... If I meet someone with this name, I, myself, will begin to wonder...and read, in earnest. The main focus is around the fact that it really is OKAY to BE YOURSELF. The reason I say this is because, being born missing four fingers on my left-hand, I found myself almost forced into realizing this fact. But, what a great blessing it was, when I finally did.
---I have met many people who are trying to be someone they're not. Most people aren't even aware of this. I know I wasn't. We ALL have what we need inside, but are so busy looking outside, that we don't see this. Stop competing and comparing. Learn what Love, really means, as a fact. Stop focusing on if you feel loved or not. You will stumble across it. Guaranteed. It is in there. Take Care.
---Well, I finally had an opportunity to put my ''writings,'' into some sort of book. This has been a dream of mine, since the 60's. It is NOT that I haven't tried and aborted many attempts. But, for some reason, it just never has come together, as it has now.
---CONSIDER THESE..., contains about 25 entries of my essays and poems. Some of the material is NOT on my blogs. There are a few pictures, also. The whole book is very short - only 46 pages.
---I have been writing all my life. My first, was, basically, ''The Adventures Of Bob Lund.'' It was 62 pages, and typed by my Cousin Linda T. There was one copy and I think there was a price and all. 60 cents. It wasn't very good, but when we were bored, my friend Hempty would drag it out and read it aloud. I wrote the book at age 8, and was listening at age 26. The loudest laughter may have come from me.
---A strange aside to this is that I had met someone named Bob Lund, who came to see the Bobby Darling Show, quite frequently, back in the late 70's. Bob's girlfriend, at the time, was very interested in reading the book. I remember being on stage at The Blue Max, and her being in the audience, reading in earnest. It seemed as though she was going to discover something about Bob. It would be funny if she had.
---Back to CONSIDER THESE.... If I meet someone with this name, I, myself, will begin to wonder...and read, in earnest. The main focus is around the fact that it really is OKAY to BE YOURSELF. The reason I say this is because, being born missing four fingers on my left-hand, I found myself almost forced into realizing this fact. But, what a great blessing it was, when I finally did.
---I have met many people who are trying to be someone they're not. Most people aren't even aware of this. I know I wasn't. We ALL have what we need inside, but are so busy looking outside, that we don't see this. Stop competing and comparing. Learn what Love, really means, as a fact. Stop focusing on if you feel loved or not. You will stumble across it. Guaranteed. It is in there. Take Care.
The BOOK Is Available On Lulu.com.
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